Inviting you to FUDCon APAC 2015


We take great pleasure in inviting you to FUDCon APAC 2015, to be held at MIT COE, Pune from 26 to 28 June 2015.

What is FUDCon?

FUDCon is the Fedora User’s and Developer’s Conference, a major free software event held in various regions around the world, annually one per region.
The 2015 APAC edition of FUDCon will be held in Pune.

At FUDCon, you get to-

  • Attend sessions on technology introductions and deep dives.
  • Participate in hands-on workshops and sessions where like-minded people get together to discuss a project/technology.
  • Be a part of Hack-fests where contributors work on specific initiatives, ranging from packaging, writing features to UI mock-ups.
  • ‘Un-Conference’ at Bar Camps, where people interested in a wide range of issues/topics can come together to share and learn.
    The speakers (that could be you) will pitch the topics they are interested in discussing in the morning of the event.
    Anyone eager to listen in or participate can attend the session at the allotted time slot.
    The most exciting part here is that anybody can stand up and talk in front of the large audience and share their views on the topic of their interest.

Why FUDCon?

FUDCon has always been a high quality event where Fedora contributors from different parts of the world converge together to bounce ideas off each other.

Fedora has the best people, professionals and developers working for it and they all collaborate on events like FUDCon. We have delegates flying in from far places to come and talk to our audience about Fedora, the future of Fedora (which is the upstream of a premier Enterprise Operating system).
Thus, FUDCon would be a great opportunity for you to engage with some of the best minds in the industry, update yourselves on the latest and the cutting edge technological innovations and experience the excitement and the thrill of the open source environment.

For more information, visit our website –

Looking forward to seeing you there.

For any assistance contact: Rupali Talwatkar at

Reference :

Linux Container Track at FUDCon, Pune 2015

FUDCon is the Fedora Users and Developers Conference, a major free software event. It is an annual event per region (e.g. APAC). This year FUDCon APAC is  happening at Pune, India From 26th June to 28th June 2015.  For details check out the FUDCon India home page.

FUDCon is always free to attend for anyone in the world. If you are looking for open source and free software contributors/developers, learn latest/new technologies, learn how to contribute to Fedora and other upstream projects, want to hangout and hack on interesting stuff , it is one of the finest place to be present.

This year we are having a Linux container track in FUDCon for full day. The idea of a separate track came because of the more number of talks/workshops proposals submitted related to containers and high interest from community about learning Linux containers e.g. Docker related technologies.

To start with, we have a talk about “Running Project Atomic and Docker on Fedora” in the main track by me and Aditya on Saturday, 27th June 2015. And the container track is on next day i.e. Sunday 28th June 2015.

Here are the list of talks and workshops planned for the container track.

Note : The topics of the container track has changed from the time I had published the blog.  So the I have updated the above list.

For the workshops, you need to carry your laptop. We are planning provide preconfigured virtual machine images for KVM and Virtual box. Also planning to distribute the images using use usb sticks/thumb drives. So if you have usb/thumb drive, please carry them with you as it will help you/others to quickly set-up their environments.

So if you are interested to learn about Linux containers or hack around Linux containers, Docker, come join us on container track in FUDCon 2015, Pune.