Creating Live media image

If you are a GNU/Linux user, their is a high chance that you have used live media images i.e. live CD, live DVD or ISO. I was curious about  how live images are created and recently got a chance to do some hands on.

There are multiple tools available for creating live media. However I am going to use livecd-tools to create live ISO. livecd tools need kickstart files to create the images and we will use CentOS upstream kickstart files [1].

As a first step install livecd-tools [2]. I using CentOS Vagrant box to create live ISOs.

$ sudo yum install livecd-tools git -y
$ git clone
$ cd sig-core-livemedia/kickstarts

#You can use any one of the .cfg files in /sig-core-livemedia/kickstarts
$ livecd-creator --config <Kickstart file>

If you are new to kickstart files and want to know more about it refer the documentation:



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